Csíki sör manufacture
Beer Factory Visit + Traditional Meal in Csíki Sör Manufaktura
Travel time: 20 minutes (train from Miercurea Ciuc to Sânsimion)
Duration: 1-hour tour
Cost of the visit: 25/30 lei per person ($6)
Location: Sânsimion, 12km south of Miercurea Ciuc
Book in advance through the following link: https://csikisor.hu/latogatokozpont/. You can also get the entry
tickets in the gift shop and it’s important you check the timetables for the tours before getting there.
● Brewery where csíki beer is made
● You can gain an insight into the two factories through a tour where you’ll be shown the process of
making craft beer step by step.
● It includes tastings and traditional Hungarian beer snacks.
● It’s open from Monday to Saturday.
● Dining options provided: traditional beer and traditional food.
● Check the souvenir shop.